Using alcohol during adolescence (from preteens to mid-20s) may affect brain development, making it more likely that they will be diagnosed with AUD later in life. However, most people with AUD—no matter their age or the severity of their alcohol problems—can benefit from treatment with behavioral health therapies, medications, or both. As a result, this area of the brain plays a key role in this stage. As individuals continue to drink alcohol over time, progressive changes may occur in the structure and function of their brains. These changes can compromise brain function and drive the transition from controlled, occasional use to chronic misuse, which can be difficult to control.
During this stage, your condition may become evident to friends and family, although some people can become highly adept at hiding problem drinking. One of the main issues with this disease is how easy it becomes to lie to yourself as well. If you’re in this phase, you’ll often downplay the amount you drink and find ways of explaining away the behavior. You may start to experience consequences at work or school due to your habit and find yourself regularly hungover and craving more alcohol. Individuals with alcohol dependence also have a very high tolerance to it, needing to consume large amounts to feel buzzed.
Renewal Center for Ongoing Recovery
If those who aided in your addiction do not change, you will likely relapse. Therefore, everyone should have an opportunity to receive help. Intensive outpatient once you return home from treatment has helped many people avoid relapsing. With intensive outpatient, you can attend two to three group therapy sessions and individual therapy each week. Sober living is an option for anyone who needs more time in a recovery environment before returning home.
Some don’t notice that they’ve been increasing their consumption. Others are unaware of how dangerous their drinking practices are. Alcoholism can damage your mind and body and make your relationships difficult. Different treatment plans and settings are available to provide the continual backing required to maintain prolonged sobriety once you have finished detoxification.
Stage Five: Recovery
It can cause sleep problems that lead to anxiety or depression. Most people have their first taste of alcohol when they are teenagers, but some may try it at an even younger age. At this point, they 5 stages of alcoholism may decide whether or not they like the taste or how drinking makes them feel. So, while some people may take a long time to progress from stage one to five, other people may do so quite quickly.
Alcohol can be damaging to a person’s motor skills, reflexes, response time, short-term memory, and capacity to think correctly or logically. Inhibitions are weakened, escalating the risk of engaging in unsafe sexual activities or possibly becoming a victim of crime or violence. Increased drinking begins when the occasional drink with friends becomes a regular activity for yourself. People in this stage may choose to drink as an excuse to get together with friends, to alleviate stress and boredom, or to combat sadness or loneliness.