
Custom chat commands for your Twitch bot

You can see the chat commands with multiple names documentation for how to set up aliases for your chat commands. If you’re streaming games with special mods or settings, create a chat command that explains that. You can also create multiple chat commands tied to one specific social network, like «! Notifications are an alternative to the classic alerts.

How do I add commands to my father bot?

1. From the BotFather chat, send /setuserpic or you can the 'Menu' button on the left if the chat box, and scroll down to /setuserpic . All commands should be in the menu so you can use the menu whenever you need to send a command.

This command will demonstrate all BTTV emotes for your channel. This will give an easy way to shoutout to a specific target by providing a link to their channel. This will return the number of followers you have currently.

Restricting a chat command to a certain game​

Activate the «Automatically post this command to chat while chat is active» checkbox when in the edit-menu for the chat command. Keep in mind that this option is only visible when you deactivate the «Show advanced options» checkbox. Moobot can automatically post the chat command’s response to Twitch chat. Find the «Response» input and type the message you want the chat command to respond with in Twitch chat. Type the name of your chat command in the «Command name» input at the bottom of the menu. E.g. «Twitter» if you want to use the command in Twitch chat like «!


To begin so, and to execute such commands, you may require a multitude of external APIs as it may not work out to execute these commands merely with the bot. We analyze MessagePayload trying to find the requested command in the list of available commands. RemindAfterDelay() sends the acceptRemindMessage back to the user and once the timer is over, sends remindMessage.

Watchtime variables

Scroll down to Boss Battle and choose your chatbot commands list input, cooldown, start delay, permissions, and cost. A betting system can be a fun way to pass the time and engage a small chat, but I believe it adds unnecessary spam to a larger chat. Store all your sound files in a safe folder and never move it. If you change the path for the SFX, they will no longer work. As the name suggests, this is where you can organize your Stream giveaways.

  • We’re on this tab just for you to note how important it is – if your app is supposed to access various Space modules, you should provide it corresponding permissions.
  • If the site names have a space, enter the site name in double quotes.
  • The following commands take use of AnkhBot’s$readapifunction the same way as above, however these are for other services than Twitch.
  • These provide moderation and entertaining alternatives while you broadcast.
  • The following example shows the NOTICE command that the server replies with when the bot sends the /uniquechat chat command and the command succeeded.
  • It’s improvised but works and was not much work since there arent many commands yet.

For any assistance needed with the bot or commands, join their Discord. Just pick the conditions in the «Only send the command when» input. This will display your current level on Apex Legends. This will display your current Legend on Apex Legends.

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Streamlabs offers streamers the possibility to activate their own chatbot and set it up according to their ideas. Shoutout commands allow moderators to link another streamer’s channel in the chat. Typically shoutout commands are used as a way to thank somebody for raiding the stream. We have included an optional line at the end to let viewers know what game the streamer was playing last. When a user types anything in the chatbot channel, Space sends the user input to the application. So, our next step is to specify the URL of our application endpoint and choose how we will verify requests from Space.

How do you use bot chat?

  1. Define Your Goal & Use Case.
  2. Choose Platforms to Leverage.
  3. Build Out Your Content Strategy.
  4. Craft Your Bot's Voice & Personality.
  5. Write a Great Opening Message.
  6. Start Mapping Customer Journeys.
  7. Find the Best Possible Responses.
  8. Build Out All Conversation Trees.

There are several streamlabs chatbot commands, and you may select the ones that will enable you to gain the maximum benefit from the chatbot. Then keep your viewers on their toes with a cool mini-game. With the help of the Streamlabs chatbot, you can start different minigames with a simple command, in which the users can participate. You can set all preferences and settings yourself and customize the game accordingly.

Timed commands

This will return the latest tweet in your chat as well as request your users to retweet the same. Make sure your Twitch name and twitter name should be the same to perform so. This will display the last three users that followed your channel. This will return the date and time for every particular Twitch account created. To list the top 5 users having most points or currency.


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