
How to Prepare a Board Presentation


A board presentation is among the most important things that a leadership team can do. It’s an opportunity for the management team to discuss its goals as well as its priorities and performance with the board, so it can assess how it’s performing and whether it’s on track. The board also gets a good idea of where the business stands within its industry and also in relation to competitors.

A well-designed board presentation is one that combines high-level information (such as income statements, balance sheets or cash flow statements) and more visual representations of the information. This can include charts that give context to the numbers by connecting them to time frames and goals of the company as well as the performance of competitors, as with examples of assets to demonstrate specific strategies (such as a screenshot of a brand-new website or social media ad).

Another aspect that helps make a good board presentation is speaking in a terms that the board understands, and can use. It is more effective to use metaphors that are easy to grasp and connect to, for example, moving a business forward or growing it, than using technical terms that can be confusing or overwhelming. This also means avoiding jargon and including the use of a glossary.

The board will also want to know how your strategy will affect the bottom line, and what is needed to achieve that. It is beneficial to meet with the person who asked you to speak prior to the meeting, or at the very least call them briefly to get a sense of the theme and find out if there’s any key items to include in your board presentation.

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